Community Medicine

The Department of Community Medicine is dedicated to improving public health through preventive care, health promotion, and disease control. We focus on understanding and addressing health needs at the community level, implementing programs to enhance health awareness, and reducing health disparities. Our efforts aim to create healthier communities through education, research, and collaborative initiatives.

Department of Community Medicine
S. NoNamePhotoQualificationDesignationCouncil Registration No.
1Dr. Bachu Narayan SinghDr. Bachu Narayan SinghMBBS MDProfessor HODBMC - 29811
2Dr. Alok KumarDr. Alok Kumar MBBS MD PGDProfessorMCI-19327
3Dr. Amritesh KumarDr. Amritesh KumarMBBS MDAssociate ProfessorDMC - DMC/R/09430
4Dr. Ritu RochwaniDr. Ritu RochwaniMBBS MDAssociate ProfessorCGMC - 3387/2011
5Dr. Neeraj SidanaDr. Neeraj SidanaMBBS MDAssociate ProfessorMCI - 18642


Dr. Rama Shankar 
A person with glasses and beard

AI-generated content may be incorrect. MBBS MDAssociate Professor BMC - 35558
7Dr. Mohd ShaiganDr. Mohd ShaiganMBBS MDAssistant ProfessorMCI - 71261
8Dr. Satpal SinghDr. Satpal SinghMBBS MDAssistant ProfessorMCI - DMC/R/15950
9Dr. Ashwani RanjanDr. Ashwani RanjanMBBS MDAssistant ProfessorMCI - MCI/12-46402
10Dr. Alankrata JainDr. Alankrata JainMBBS MDAssistant ProfessorUPMC - 69982
11Dr. Ravi ShastriDr. Ravi ShastriMBBS MDAssistant ProfessorUPMC - 54984
12Dr. Saurabh Singh A person in a suit and tie

Description automatically generated M.Sc.(Statistics), Ph.D.Statistician cum Assistant Professor N/A
13Dr. Yogender YadavDr. Yogender YadavMBBSTUTORDMC - 107074
14Dr. Komal SainiDr. Komal SainiMBBSTUTORDMC - 94638
15Dr. Saquib Ali MBBS TUTOR DMC-99106
16Dr. Mudasir RashidDr. Mudasir RashidMBBSTUTORJ&KMC - 19788
17Dr. Anuj Kumar A person with a blue sign

Description automatically generated MBBS TUTOR MMC - 2022/07/4906
18Dr. Neeraj Kumar Poddar A person with glasses and a beard

Description automatically generated MBBS TUTOR UPMC-106541
19Dr. Sahil Kulhriya A person in a white coat

Description automatically generated MBBS TUTOR MMC-2022/07/3977
20Dr.Tahira ShamimA close-up of a person's face

Description automatically generated MBBS TUTOR DMC-107264
21Dr. Vidhi Gupta A person with long black hair wearing glasses

Description automatically generated MBBS TUTOR UPMC-106335